You can take over an established practice, with my introduction to loyal patients and training in specialty areas, with all equipment intact. I'm Dr Steve Speidel. I've been in Poulsbo since 1986 as a family practice doc, now serving the third generation of some families. It's pretty cool. I'm 72 and moving to Florida. Mostly I want to leave my patients in good hands.
In the last decade or two I've also gained expertise in hormones and anti-aging medicine, and traditional immunotherapy- "allergy shots". We have a compounding pharmacy as part of the practice. I'll impart my knowledge to you.
In the last couple of years the practice has been attacked by unsurance ("unsurance" was a typo but I think I'll keep it!) companies. You will NOT take over the corporation and its liabilities, but only patient records, the very favorable lease, able employees who wish to remain, and other assets. I'll help you with incorporating if you want. We stopped accepting insurance assignment this year and the gross went from over a million to $100,000-$200,000. I do advise you to accept insurance, but bill conservatively. I'll share my knowledge there, too.
So there you have it. All terms negotiable.
My office number is 360.697.2122. Jessica mans (womans?) the phones Mon-Wed. Text or call me at 306.434.1109.
Looking forward to meeting you,