Cost: FREE for WANP members & WANP student members; $35 for non-members
(Originally presented August 31, 2022)
Are you unsure what CE you're required to get as a Washington-licensed ND? Do you have questions about what content counts for what category? Do you find yourself more confused than ever after reading through social media posts about CE? Are you ready to feel confident about your CE requirements and how to meet them?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this webinar is for you!
Join the WANP's VP and CE Committee Chair, Teresa Richter, ND, and WANP's Executive Director, Angela Ross, ND, as they take you through what changed, how and why things changed, current requirements (and current status of things), and some common misconceptions and frequently asked questions. We will do our best to answer questions during this live webinar, but you can always submit your questions in advance to so that we can be sure to find you the answers.
**This presentation is worth 1.5 Category 3 CE credit for Washington NDs.**
(Please note: The WANP is completely separate from the regulatory Board of Naturopathy, which is responsible for the CE rules. We didn't make the rules, but we've done our best to understand them so we can help meet the needs of our members. If we have questions, we go directly to BON for the answers.)