Environmental medicine is always evolving and, as physicians, we must constantly stay abreast of new and emerging toxicants affecting patients' health. Dr. Marianne Marchese will describe the newest environmental threats and their link to health conditions and review the most common toxicants patients are exposed to on a daily basis. She will discuss the sources of exposure and methods for avoidance as well how to test patients for these toxicants and remove them from the body. Treatment strategies will include chelation as well as detoxification methods. Dr. Marchese will present cases commonly seen in the primary care setting such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, and endometriosis and will walk the participant through an environmental approach to these conditions. Participants can expect to learn about metals and other toxicants and their link to adverse health effects; understand how to test for toxicants and interpret results properly; learn how to prescribe pharmaceutical chelators and design individualized environmental treatment plans; be provided with resources for avoidance of exposure to toxicants; and know the latest in detoxification and cleansing methods.
Speaker Bio: Dr. Marianne Marchese is a highly accomplished naturopathic physician with 18 years of experience. She is a recognized expert in environmental medicine, women’s health, and integrative medicine. Her background spans clinical practice, teaching, writing, speaking, research, and professional advocacy. She is an accomplished presenter, educator and writer; has developed post-graduate level curriculum and conferences, provided professional and lay presentations and media interviews on topics of environmental medicine, women’s health, integrated healthcare, and chronic illness. Dr. Marianne Marchese is the author of the bestselling book “8 Weeks to Women’s Wellness.” She was graduated from Creighton University as an Occupational Therapist. She received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from NUNM in 2002 and completed a 2-year integrative medicine residency. In 2003 she completed a 6-month post-graduate training in environmental medicine. Dr. Marchese is currently adjunct faculty at SCNM in Tempe AZ teaching both environmental medicine and gynecology. She is in private practice in Phoenix.
*Certified by the WANP for 1 Category 1 continuing education credit for Washington NDs*
(Originally presented on October 11, 2020)