CONNECT 2021 - Pharmacology Courses Bundle


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Enjoy access to every Pharmacology course from our CONNECT 2021 conference! This bundle includes 14 lectures offering a total of 14.75 Category 1 credits (with 11 Pharmacology credits).

Stress and Inflammation: Their contribution to complex diseases and the beneficial effect of natural molecules ~ Theoharis Theoharides, MD, PhD

The Intersection of IBD and SIBO: Microscopic Colitis ~ Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND

Managing Neuropathy in the Oncology Setting ~ Meghan Zech, ND

Treatment of Acute and Chronic Sinusitis ~ Dawn Ipsen, PharmD, FACA

Alcohol Consumption: Health impacts and treatments for disordered drinking ~ Heather Hydzik, ND

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Advanced practice and protocols ~ Sage Wheeler, ND

Pediatric Vaccination Update: The CDC Schedule ~ Krystal Plonski, ND, LAc, FABNP

Mast Cell Disorders ~ Lela Altman, ND, LAc

Colchicum autumnale ~ Jillian Stansbury, ND

Pediatric Vaccine Update: COVID-19 ~ Krystal Plonski, ND, LAc, FABNP

Sleep & Hormones: The Reciprocal Relationship ~ Shelby Bottemiller, PharmD

Pediatric Medications ~ Michelle Moser, RPh, FACA, FACVP

Transgender Medicine ~ Nick Gorton, MD

Nature and Group Work in Psychedelic Therapy ~ Matthew Hicks, ND, MS

Originally presented October 15-17, 2021.