CONNECT 2022 - Drugs for Hypertension: When less is more | Kasra Pournadeali, ND, FACN




Cost: Non-members: $65 | Member: $35 | Student: $15
In this offering, Dr. Pournadeali will review common health problems and risks that can occur when persons are placed on antihypertensives without proper re-evaluation. He’ll review the common classes of medications and their indications, typical patient presentation of overmedication with antihypertensives, the benefits and risks of deprescribing, tapering, and the safest way to do both. He provides examples along the way, and finish with cases so the audience can leave having practiced firsthand.
Dr. Pournadeali is Founder, Director, and a practicing clinician of the Northwest Center for Optimal Health, an accredited, primary care residency training facility in Washington State. He is a national authority on Naturopathic Cardiology, Insurance Coding, and Practice Management. He has made over a thousand television and radio appearances, and published hundreds of articles. He has been elected repeatedly as President of the Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
**This presentation is worth 1 Category 1 CE credit for Washington NDs, including 1 Pharmacology credit.**
Originally presented October 15, 2022, at WANP's CONNECT 2022 conference.