13 August 2021
From our dear friends and colleagues at AANMC, AANP, Boucher Institute, CNME, INM, NUNM, and UBC:
"It is with our deepest sorrow that we share the news of the untimely loss of Dr. Guru Sandesh Singh Khalsa, who passed unexpectedly on Wednesday, August 11.
Dr. Khalsa was a pillar in the naturopathic community and his loss will be felt deeply. He embodied the teaching of naturopathic medicine, especially that of ‘docere.’ An erudite, Dr. Khalsa held degrees in physics from Occidental College and human biology from Kansas Newman College. He went on to graduate from National College of Naturopathic Medicine (now NUNM) in 1978. Dr. Khalsa touched the entire naturopathic profession from coast to coast as a professor, school President, an accreditor, administrator, leader, and as a beloved and respected colleague — both in the US and Canada. He was known as a steadying influence and a balanced thinker providing a voice of wisdom, calm, reason and passion.
Dr. Khalsa embodied servant leadership, serving on the AANP Board of Directors, as well as the Institute for Natural Medicine. He was President of the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges, as well as President of NUNM and Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, and Dean of the University of Bridgeport’s School of Naturopathic Medicine. He was also involved with professional accreditation, having served on the board of the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education and on accreditation site teams for both naturopathic and acupuncture programs. His dedication and commitment to the naturopathic profession goes unmatched; even his final days were in service to the profession, which became his extended family.
In the tradition of the Sikh faith, please view this invitation to honor his passingin a meditation ceremony to comfort his soul and ours, with 11-minutes of Guru Ram Das Meditation followed by Akal. Anyone interested in honoring his passing in the traditional Sikh ceremony is invited to join.
The ceremony will take place each evening from August 11, 2021 to August 27, 2021 from 7:00 to 7:45 PM, PDT, hosted by his wife Amarkaur Northrup at her home: 4394 Thunder Vista Ln. Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035. Please call ahead to let her know you will be in attendance at (503) 730-6425 or email at aknorthrup9@gmail.com.
The Meditation may also be joined via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 870 6417 9526 Passcode: 353263
Zoom meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/ 87064179526?pwd= MlppdVp5SmlIUndGK1M0VlZINWNFdz 09#success
A more detailed tribute and possible memorial ceremony will be forthcoming. Flowers may be sent for any evening of the Guru Ram Das Meditation Ceremony to the Lake Oswego address above. Please direct any questions to Laura Farr, AANP Executive Director, at laura.farr@naturopathic.org so that the family can focus on grieving and celebrating Dr. Khalsa’s life."