CONNECT 2020: Infant Immunity and Vaccine Optimization ~ Taylor Bean, ND




The concern and questions around vaccines are growing substantially around the globe. With this comes a lot of fear and concern about infections, vaccines, choices, traveling abroad, and simply not being fully informed before making a decision around vaccinations. As one of very few NDs in British Columbia to have obtained the Immunization Certification, I would like to present on some key areas around vaccinations that we as practitioners should know and what we can provide for our patients when they have questions. This should not be a topic of fear or anger but a topic that is honest, forthcoming, and transparent. In my office, I help parents uncover the risks and susceptibility for their child in terms of contracting disease, educating them around infant immunity, ingredients in vaccines, what herd immunity is, the diseases we vaccinate against, and how we can mitigate potential adverse reactions with vaccines. Practitioners should know what resources to offer their patients who have questions around vaccines along with knowing where they can go for current and reputable information. Attendees will leave this talk knowing how to locate a vaccine insert, how to utilize annual surveillance reports from the CDC, understanding how adjuvants work and the risks they involve (aluminum), and understanding infant physiology as it pertains to vaccination (immunology). With this talk, I would like to encourage more practitioners who reside in BC to take the CDC Immunization Certificate. I would like to help practitioners find a middle ground in this topic.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Taylor Bean is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor located in Maple Ridge. She has experience working with families, young ones, and mamas-to-be.  She brings her wisdom as a mother of two to help women achieve a healthy pregnancy and smooth labour.  She worked overseas in Singapore for two years which improved her skills in chronic illness as she saw various patients in SE Asia, India, and Australia, who were unable to find the care they needed. From her experience working overseas and throughout her 4 years working in Canada, she has been able to blend Eastern and Western approaches from a clinical and cultural perspective. While in Singapore, Dr. Bean worked with several families who wanted to optimize their experience with vaccination. Since then, Dr. Bean has created a vaccine optimization protocol, completed the Immunization Certification to administer vaccines in her office in BC, and supports families globally who want more information on vaccines from a respectful, transparent, and informed choice point of view.

Overall, her passion lies in supporting those with Lyme disease and co-infections; pre- and post-natal care including labour support; pediatrics, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, SPD; digestive complaints, particularly SIBO and IBS; vaccine optimization and education; and genetic report analysis (such as MTHFR). Dr. Bean has several certifications, including IV therapy, pharmaceutical prescription, Immunization Certification from the BC CDC, acupuncture, and Neural and Peri-neural injection therapy.

*Certified by the WANP for 1 Category 1 continuing education credit (including 1 Pharmacology credit) for Washington NDs*

(Originally presented on October 11, 2020)