15 April 2023
We here at the WANP were saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Harold Modell, long-time instructor of Physiology at Bastyr University, on 8 April 2023. In his beloved daughter's words: "Harold always made himself available to anyone who might need a listening ear, word of advice, or action taken. He loved to mentor people and to share his philosophy of life and learning. He was so generous with his time and energy." Those of us who learned from him can attest to this truth. Dr. Modell was always there to "facilitate learning" (not "to teach") and to help his students learn not only how toilets flush (and hearts pump) but also that "life is cumulative" - as is physiology.
Read more and share your own memories with his family at https://everloved.com/life-of/harold-modell/obituary/
We send our sympathies to all of Dr. Modell's loved ones and to all of the students he taught over his long and distinguished career.