CONNECT 2022 - Feeding & Eating for Kids: Challenges, Disordered Eating, and Our Approach & Biases | Sunita Iyer, ND, LM




Cost: Non-members: $65 | Member: $35 | Student: $15
This presentation will engage in an expository and revelatory conversation about the real feeding issues for kids and what disorders we may encounter in the young set. In an effort to keep the scope more defined and detailed, we will plan to discuss young and older children. As we learn about this subset of the pediatric population, we will discuss how to integrate their infant and early feeding history into your thinking. Additionally, we will touch upon how patterns that emanate at this time may contribute to adolescent feeding and eating changes and challenges. Elements of this discussion will include: family history and early feeding patterns, family and patient relationship to food and nutrition, provider relationship to food and nutrition, orthorexia and fear-based choices, sociocultural values, and how we can navigate these conversations as we develop treatment plans and consider long-term goals for our young patients.
Sunita Iyer, ND, LM has been in clinical practice as a midwife and naturopathic physician since 2008, a graduate-level educator for 14 years at Bastyr University and now at the University of Washington Bothell. Teaching is her passion in the clinical, classroom, online, and patient care arenas, and she is currently fully focused on her teaching and scholarship endeavors (and halfway through the first draft of her book!) as she takes a step back from clinical care. Her background and primary professional interests have been women's and pediatric health, specializing in pediatric and perinatal mental health. Dr. Iyer is also the Founder of an integrative family medicine clinic, Eastside Natural Medicine, that serves as a teaching clinic and a site for an accredited primary care residency program. The best way to learn about what she is working on and working toward is her blog:
**This presentation is worth 1 Category 1 CE credit for Washington NDs.**
Originally presented October 16, 2022, at WANP's CONNECT 2022 conference.